Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dangle beaded earrings tutorial

Recently, my team mate Svetlana from LiriGal shop on Etsy shared a great dangle beaded earrings tutorial with me. I found those earrings are easy to make, and that's why I'm sharing it on my blog :)

Dangle beaded earrings tutorial
To make these earrings, you'll need some seed beads and super duo beads. Just follow this simple dangle beaded earrings tutorial.

Dangle beaded earrings tutorial

Then, attach ear wires, and enjoy these adorable earrings.

Using different bead combination or adding some cute charms to them, will make the earrings look differently. So even following the same pattern, you can get different result.

Dangle beaded earrings tutorial

Svetlana, thank you for sharing this great tutorial!

Check her LiriGal shop... She has more great tutorials :)


  1. Irina, thank you!!!
    Will be wating for your variation of these earrings :-)

  2. Beautiful! The ones to the right on the last photo are my dream! Maybe I will get some beads :))

  3. Coooool!
    Want to make these!
    Thank you, girls

  4. Love Svetlana's designs, they are always so pretty. Lovely earrings, great tutorial.

  5. Great tutorial! Thank you for sharing! I love Svetlana's work :)

  6. Hello.

    Thank you.
    Sorry for my English.

    Diane (desdiane)
