Thank you for shopping in GraphicLand shop on Etsy or GraphicLand shop on Artfire. As appreciation for my customers, I'd like to offer
This offer is valid in 15 days after your purchase. Please don't buy all 5 collage sheets; buy just three and let me know numbers of two free ones in buyer's message. This offer is valid for your next order. The numbers of collages are in their titles. The offer is not valid for custom orders.
How it works...
If you are customer of GraphicLand on Etsy.
Go to Your Etsy. On the left, click Purchases link, and click the transaction link.

After transaction page is loaded, just copy the link

and place into buyer's note of your next purchase with number of bonus collages
If you are a customer of GraphicLand shop on Artfire (or my customer on some other market place... who knows... maybe, I'll open more stores :) ), you just go to your PayPal, find the last transaction, and let me know the number of the transaction with numbers of bonus collages.
Enjoy your 2 collages for free!
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