Download file there. Print it on any home printer on color paper. Well... who told hearts should be red only? :) You can pick any color... The file is 8.5x11 inches with 300 dpi resolution which is standard letter size.

Cut the hearts.

Place printed sides out and staple them making a pouch.

Fill the pouch with small candies, for example M&Ms, and close the pouch completely.

On the back side, there is an instruction where exactly to tear your heart :)

Inspirational source DanaMadeIt.com
Cute! Thank you for sharing your idea!
Great idea! :) Could be a perfect gift for a good friend:)
This is so cute! I love the idea!
Great idea! Thanks for sharing!
Love this idea! Totaly making it :)
I just printed the hearts :D
Thank you <3
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